GR France. Long Hiking Trails. Long Distance Footpaths

Hike in Aube department around Auzon-Temple and Amance Lakes from Dienville via Unienville, La Loge-aux-Chevres, Brevonnes and Radonvilliers. Guest House, Bed and Breakfast, Hotel, Camping, Shelter, Inn, Shops.

Tour des Lacs Amance et du Temple (Aube)


Long Hiking Trails / Long Distance Footpaths

Around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube)


The Amance and Temple lakes were built in the 1960s to protect Paris from the flooding of the Seine. The Seine is a river with variable flow. During heavy rains, it can overflow and flood urban areas downstream. The Amance and Temple lakes were built to store excess water from the Seine and gradually release it when the river's flow decreased.

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Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 1


Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 2


Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 3Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube)Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 5Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube)Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 7

Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 9
© GPX Private use only

Distance: 45km, Elevation maximum: 183m, Elevation minimum: 123m, Elevation gain uphill: 263m





Accommodation or business owner on or near a GR®, you can appear on GR-INFOS

For your registration, you can send me by email ( your address and phone number, your website (Facebook page), a brief description with 5 beautiful photos of your establishment.

Registration price : 50€/2 years or 100€/5 years per GR® or GRP®. Renewable.


Hike around Amance and Temple Lakes (Aube) 10

Nearby paths:
Around Maquisards (Aube)

Around the Two Bar (Aube)
Around Pays de Gaston Bachelard (Aube)
Around Sarce and Hozain Valley (Aube)
Around Troyes (Aube)
Around Othe forests (Aube)
Cider tour in the Pays d'Othe (Aube, Yonne)
Around Saint-Jacques (Aube, Yonne)
Wine and Cheese Trail (Yonne, Aube)
GR®2 Seine River trail
GR®14B From Outines (Marne) to Locheres (Meuse)
GR®145 Via Francigena
GR®654 Via Lemovicensis
GR®703 Joan of Arc historic path


Mon GRIt is advisable to follow the beacons all along your hike and to bring you the FFRandonnee topo-guide. You will also find information on

GR®, PR®, GRP®, and the corresponding signs of markings (white / red, yellow and yellow / red) are trademarks of the French Federation of Hiking. They may not be reproduced without permission. The French Federation of Hiking, state-approved, includes organizations that create and maintain hiking routes on GR®, PR® and GRP®. It publishes guides these topo hiking routes.

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L'Etoile Guest-House

Former holiday hotel with a garden along the Allier, L'Etoile Guest House is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche, and the Cevennes in the mountains of Southern France. At the crossroads of GR®7, GR®70 Stevenson Path, GR®72, GR®700 Regordane Way (St Gilles), GR®470 Allier River springs and gorges, GRP® Cevenol, Ardechoise Mountains, Margeride. Numerous loop trails for hiking and one-day biking excursions. Ideal for a relaxing and hiking getaway.

Copyright© (Authorization for private use only)